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The Book of Annual Psalies

* Psalies of the Month of Tut
Nairuz, Adam, Batos 
John the Baptist Adam, Batos 
St.Rebecca & her children Adam, Batos 
St.Pisoura the Bishop Adam, Batos
St.Stephen Archdeacon Adam, Batos 
 St Castor of Pardanoh's Psalis Batos |Adam 
Discovery of the Holy Cross Adam, Batos 
Virgin Mary (Vespers of Sunday) Adam, Batos
* Psalies of the Month of Paope
St.Apateer & St.Irene Adam, Batos 
St.Sergius & St.Bacchus Adam, Batos
Virgin Mary & St.Reweis (Tedjy) Adam, Batos 
St.Apollo & St.Epip Adam, Batos 
St.Mark the Evangelist Adam, Batos
* Psalies of the Month of Athoar
St. Mary Church in Qusqam Adam, Batos 
St. George Church Adam, Batos 
The Four Heavenly Creatures Adam, Batos 
Archangel Michael Adam, Batos 
St.Mina Adam, Batos
Prince Theodore of Shotep & of the East Adam, Batos 
St.Cosman, Damian & Family Adam, Batos 
St.Marina Adam, Batos 
The 24 Priests Adam, Batos 
St.Mercurius Adam, Watos 
St. Sarapamon Bishop of Nikos Adam, Batos
* Psalies of the Month of Kiahk
St.Shenouda Archmandrite Adam, Watos 
Entry of Christ to the Temple & St.Salib Adam,Batos 
St.John Hercules Adam, Batos 
St.Apa Isi, Thekla, Barbara, Julian, Samuel the Confessor Adam, Batos 
St.Barbara & Julian Adam, Batos
Archangel Gabriel Adam, Batos 
St.John Kame Adam, Batos 
St.Psati Adam, Batos
* Psalies of the Month of Toaby
St.Dioscore & Sclapios Adam, Batos 
The 144,000 child-martyrs of Bethlehem Adam, Batos 
The Circumcision of our Lord Adam, Batos 
St.Macarius the Great Church Adam, Batos 
St. Theodore of East Adam, Batos 
The Wedding of Cana Adam, Batos 
St Demiana Psalis Batos | Adam
St.Philotheos Adam, Watos 
St.Maximos & Dometius Adam, Batos 
St.Mary's Departure Adam, Batos 
St.Andrew the Apostle Adam, Batos 
St.Anthony Adam, Batos 
The 49 martyrs of Shehit Adam, Batos 
Archangel Suriel Adam, Batos 
St.Fam Adam, Batos 
St.Palamoan Adam, Batos
* Psalies of the Month of Meshir
St.Paul the First Hermit Adam, Batos 
St.Apa Kir & John Adam, Watos 
The Entry of Jesus to the Temple
* Psalies of the Month of Paremhat
The Holy Cross Adam, Batos 
Archangel Michael Adam, Batos
St.Mary Adam, Batos 
St. Macarius Father of Shehit Monks Adam, Batos 
Annunciation Adam, Watos
* Psalies of the Month of Parmoudy
St. George Adam, Batos 
St.Victor Adam, Batos 
Commemoration of Annunciation, Nativity, and Resurrestion Adam, Batos 
St.Mark the Evangelist Adam, Batos
* Psalies of the Month of Pashons
Birthday of St.Mary Adam, Batos 
St.Pachome Adam, Batos
The Flight of Lord to Egypt Adam, Batos
* Psalies of the Month of Paoany
St.Claudius Ptolemus Adam, Batos 
Appearance of St.John the Baptist's Body Adam,Batos 
St.Michael Archangel Adam, Batos 
St.Apakir, St.John & their Brothers
St.Mina Church Adam, Batos 
Dedication of the First Church to Virgin Mary in Philippe Adam, Batos
* Psalies of the Month of Epip
St.Peter & St.Paul Adam, Batos 
St.Shenouda Archmandrite Adam Batos 
St.Mark El-Antuny Adam, Batos
Prince Theodore of Shotep Adam, Batos 
St. Marina Adam, Batos 
St.Apa Noub of Nehisa Adam, Batos 
St. Mercurius Church 
St. Apali Justus
* Psalies of the Month of Pashons
The Fast of our Lady Adam, Batos 
Transfiguration Adam, Batos
The Ascension of St.Mary's Body Adam, Batos 
St.Tekla Hymanos  
The Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, Jacob
* Psalies of the Month of Nesy
Archangel Raphael Adam, Batos 
St.Parsoma Adam, Batos
* Psalies of Special occasions & other special Psalies
Lent Psalis Batos | Adam 
Resurrection and 50 Days Psalis Batos | Adam 
Ascension to Penticost Batos Psali 
Ascension  Batos, Adam, Psali 
Penticost Feast Psalis Batos Adam 
Psaly Batos of St.Mary 

Single Martyr Adam, Batos 
Single Female Martyr Adam, Batos 
Single Saint Adam, Batos 
Single Female Saint Adam, Batos 
Group of Martyrs Adam, Batos 
Group of Martyrs Females Adam, Batos