Lesson 7
Words & phrases

qen ou xemxyji : regrerettably ( literally: in regret)
eptyrf : absolutely, completely
`ntiunu : immediately
uwm : to eat
xwp / xep : to receive
xepuwm : to breakfast ( literally: to receive food)
pi-xepuwm : the breakfast
amou : come ( addressing a male singular person) amy : come ( female singular )
amwini : come ( plural )
come to eat : amou eouwm
come so that we might eat: amou `ntenouwm
`ntenouwm ( Please revise the infinitive mood)
pixepouwm sebtwt : The breakfast (is) ready
( no copula )
( Please revise the first Present tense)
tinasobti `mmof : I shall prepare it
(First Present tense)
tiouwx `eouwm: I want to eat
(First Present tense)
menensa oukouji: after a little (i.e. a little time).
tiouwx eouwm: I want to eat.
(First Future Tense)
Pronunciation:- Coptic "x" is pronounced as English "sh"